Data Privacy Officer
The University will appoint a senior official to assume the role of Data Privacy Officer. The Data Privacy Officer will formulate data privacy policies and oversee the implementation, monitoring, promotion, resourcing, and incident management of data privacy related matters. The Vice President for Administration and Business shall assume this role.
The Data Privacy Officer will be supported by a number of units/centers in the implementation and operation of data privacy policies, notably:
the Information Systems Technology Office, which will provide first line support to the Data Privacy Officer in overseeing the on-going operation of matters related to personal data privacy.
the Information Technology Services Center, which will work with the Information Systems Technology Office to facilitate the implementation of personal data privacy related actions, in particular with respect to the technical and technology aspects of such implementation.
The two offices above will work hand-in-hand in carrying out the decisions of the Data Privacy Officer, and will liaise with other University schools/departments/units/offices as required.
A group of key data users that deal substantially with personal data in their daily operation (see the section on Central Data Users) will also act as early implementers of established data privacy policies and practices.