Other Data Users
Individual schools/departments/units in the University may have the need and are holding personal data locally in their respective offices/sites. While the formal governance structure provides the framework for policies and co-ordination, the assurance of compliance is necessarily distributed and is shared by every unit that deals with personal data.
Personal data kept/used locally at the school/department/unit are typically acquired through:
- extraction/download of such data from central databases, with permission from the relevant Central Data User office(s);
- contact channels available to and specific to the school/department/unit.
Irrespective of the source of data, schools/departments/units dealing with such data should adhere to the principles of the Ordinance. The head of the concerned school/department/unit should ensure that an effective mechanism is in place for such purpose and also ensure that its school / department / unit will not do anything that would be inconsistent with such directions and/or guidance as may be given by the Data Privacy Officer from time to time.
List of Major Users of Personal Data
Data Subject Group | Major Data User |
Student, alumni, student applicants, etc. | School of Business & Management |
Student, alumni, student applicants, etc. | School of Engineering |
Student, alumni, student applicants, etc. | School of Humanities & Social Science |
Student, alumni, student applicants, etc. | School of Science |
Student, alumni, student applicants, etc. | HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School |
Student, alumni, student applicants, etc. | Interdisciplinary Programs Office |